The “Green Lantern” series of HBO MAX and DC Comics series are shifted to the focus of the transfer after the show host, Sais Graham Smith, and will focus on the first batch of DC’s first black superhero, John Stuart.

DC Comics and HBO MAX’s highly anticipated TV series “Green Lantern” TV series is changing the focus since the start of the filming at the end of 2019.

“Hollywood Reporter” reported that the show now focuses on John Stuart, one of the first batch of DC’s first batch of black superhero, and now the host of the show, Ses Graham Smith, has left the show. Grahame-Smith has completed the script of the eight episodes of the whole season, both of which are concentrated on Gay Gardner and Allen Scott. The news was released after the production personality Greg Berlandi has announced the selection of FINN WITTRock and Jeremy Irvine after selecting the Green Lanterns and Jeremy Irvine. Essence

People close to the project revealed that Graham Smith was initially joined after the series announced. However, after DC Comics and HBO MAX continued to face the regime of its parent company Warner Bros. Discovery, he chose to leave. The decision to focus on Stuartt’s decision was not considered at first, because the producer hoped to pay attention to Allen Scott, the first public gay green light man and Gay Gardner, and other “never before See the hero “. With all the changes in Green Lantern, Berlanti and his production team seemed to be the only person who was still attached to the project. When the show was announced for the first time in 2019, Berlanti called it “the largest DC program ever.” This series is expected to get high expectations, but it is not sure when it will be released and whether it will cut budgets.

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