Disney is making a new “Princess Diary” movie, and Princess Ginovia is back.

Disney will bring the world of “Princess Diary” into the current ten years and revive the favorite franchise rights.

The Hollywood reporter was the first person to report the news that AADRITA MUKERJI will write a script for the new issue of the movie. Sources close to the project said the film will not restart, but the continuation of the storyline led by Annie Hathaway. It has not been determined whether Hathaway will return to the next sequel, but she has said that she has supported the third film of the series.

Hathaway first appeared in the princess diary in 2001 as the protagonist, as an American boy to become the heir of the kingdom of the kingdom of Europe. The plot continued until 2004’s second film “Princess Diary 2: Royal Command”. Both films are directed by the late film producer Gary Marshall. Debra Martin Jess, who produced the first two films of this series, will be the executive producer of the third film.

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