Netflix’s “Troll” brought Nordic folklore into life, from the director of “Tomb Raider”. Netflix...
Liam Hills Vosworth will take over Henry Kavier to star in the fourth season...
Ito Chunji’s “Madman: The Legend of Terror in Japan” will be premiered on Netflix...
Netflix released the trailer for “Palm Blue Eyes” starring Christian Bell, followed the mystery...
Megan thee Stallion celebrates Halloween with the new Netflix & Chills constellation, read Max’s...
Netflix released the “Baby Baby” to restart the trailer, “Turn over the mountains, the...
Netflix launched key art and new stories in the “Madman: Japanese Terror Story” in...
“Damo” has become Netflix’s most popular English episode, and only pays attention to “Strange...
“Shang Zhi” Liang Chaowei rumored in the second season of “Squid Game”, after his...
Meghan, you planted a circus to tease the “stranger”, the rapper signed a major...