“Aquaman,” “Shazam!” Sequels reportedly delayed due to cost-cutting measures, as Warner Bros. explores new...
Nina Dobrev wears patriotic outfits for a trip to Las Vegas. Set against the...
Sonoya Mizuno wore an edgy sheer dress to the London premiere of The House...
Nicole Ali Parker shared a sweet family moment on social media on Monday. While...
This week, Kristin Cavallari embraced nature with casual wear. The Uncommon Beauty founder shared...
“House of the Dragon” is getting an official podcast interviewing the cast and crew...
The new “Lord of the Rings: Ring of Power” trailer sees Galadriel taking matters...
Bella Thorne made a splash on social media this weekend in a new outfit—with...
This weekend, stylist Rob Zangardi shared a behind-the-scenes look at Jennifer Lopez’s second wedding...
Simone Biles brought a stark twist to Girls’ Night out at sea this weekend....